Chozen is an animated edy about its title character, "Chozen," a gay white rapper fresh out of prison. Armed with a new message, Chozen is on a quest for redemption and to claim his rightful position as the world's top rap artist. His music and lyrics take aim at the stereotypes of machismo and misogyny that is synonymous with rap music. And his new world view has been shaped by his time in prison.- Written by FX NetworkChozen is an animated edy about its title character, "Chozen," a gay white rapper fresh out of prison. Armed with a new message, Chozen is on a quest for redemption and to claim his rightful position as the world's top rap artist. His music and lyrics take aim at the stereotypes of machismo and misogyny that is synonymous with rap music. And his new world view has been shaped by his time in prison.- Written by FX Network 详情
主演:吉安卡罗·埃斯波西托 马修·默瑟 Zach Aguilar 格洛丽亚·加拉尤亚 伊恩·詹姆斯·科里特 Marie Westbrook 悠木碧 Alex Cazares 艾米·罗 Stephanie Wong William Christopher Stephens Borge Etienne Kenichiro Ohashi Bill Butts 津田健次郎